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      A small caretaker’s house sits between two rivaling regions of occult practice resulting in opposing sacrificial altars competing for their respective god’s favor and shift in power.

      First, a deserted cemetery filled with the long forgotten graves of unknowing victims of Luna, god of the Moon, as she and her followers take skeletal form to entrap and showcase all who explore their region in a casket or grave of their own.

      Second, a sacrificial altar in which the hooded followers of Sol, god of the Sun, present the souls of their human offerings inside of Jack O’ Lanterns to an earthly form of Sol, visible only as a Giant Inferno.
      The caretaker must keep peace between the neighboring areas in order to maintain the balance between rival siblings Luna and Sol as unknowingly to them if one perishes, the other will follow its demise.



   -Roman Mythological God of Moon

   -depicted by great skeleton

   -worshippers in form of skeletons


   -Roman Mythological God of Sun

   -depicted by great inferno

   -worshippers in form of hooded figures

Willow aurora:

   -Roman Mythological God of Dawn

   -depicted by soulless caretaker


   -Greek mythological Titan god of Heavenly Light


      From the earliest known regions of sanctified graves, a common circumstance presented itself in not all those who pass away are remembered, mourned, or even known at the time of their death. From sheer necessity, a common ground to dispose of all deceased was created, known as a Potter’s field.

      Near a seemingly abandoned house on the outskirts of a deserted town lies a Potter’s field born out of supernatural, almost unreal phenomenon. Two gods, once dear siblings, find themselves at war with one another in pursuit of the ultimate sacrificial devotion. With each mounting sacrifice, Eclipse Potter’s Field becomes increasingly overflowed with trapped spirits, fallen victim to the devout followers. I am the caretaker, Willow Aurora, and in the words of Hades to Persephone “You cannot save everyone, my darling.”

      Each year between the autumn equinox and winter solstice, my sibling’s venture from their heavenly homes to take physical form and commune with their followers in the annual rituals of sacrifice, albeit trapped and chained in place leaving their worshippers to do their bidding.

      As my brother, Sol, takes the physical shape of a Great Inferno becoming one with the earth and the fruit of its laborers, his hooded followers bring forth an abundance of trapped souls and spirits to the Great Pumpkin. As Sol drains the essence of each trapped soul, leaving its vessel void and decaying, the Great Pumpkin grows in size. However, a more evil presence is lurking just around the corner.

      My sister, Luna, takes the physical shape of a Great Skeleton. She and her followers entrap and showcase their victims in a coffin as near living vessels imprisoned in misery and torture until the next trophy is found.

      Our father, Hyperion, sends me to keep the tribulation away from the commoners as this region has become quite alluring and mysterious in nature. While their war wages against each other to find the ultimate sacrifice of entrapping a follower of their foe, I am left as the Caretaker.

      As the winter solstice concludes, I am left to bury and sanctify the lost souls, before the next season of misfortune falls upon this secluded realm. As the earthly sacraments occur, I must also take an earthly form as I serve as the hallowed protector of the inhabitants who do still frequent these hallowed grounds to pay their respects to souls unknown or forgotten.

      My guiding light in my annual servitude to bringing the dawn to those lost in the night lies in Persephone’s response to Hades, “I’m not trying to save everyone, just the ones who are wronged by the gods.” 


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